
St. Peter's Cross Keys

C of E Academy

Rooted in love we flourish and grow

Flu Vaccination - Additional Sessions - Limited Time

Dear Schools 

As a result of recent flu reports in the media the School Aged Immunisation Team  are being contacted in increasing numbers by parents whose children did not receive the flu vaccine.

As a team we are running some final flu clinics this week for any children in reception, years 1, 2, 3 and 4 (born between 01.09.2008 and 31.08.13) who did not receive the flu vaccine when we came into school. 

Please can you assist us in advertising the opportunity for parents to bring their children to clinic either via your school websites or via parental email or text messaging if at all possible. 

Parents would need to contact the Immunisation Team on 07920182032 to book onto a clinic. 

Thank you very much for your help in promoting this 

Kind regards


Lizzie Guy 
Senior Community Health Nurse – School Age Immunisation Team 

Mansfield Woodhouse Health Centre
Church Street
Mansfield Woodhouse
NG19 8BL
