
St. Peter's Cross Keys

C of E Academy

Rooted in love we flourish and grow

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  • 'Friends are connected heart to heart'

    Tue 09 Feb 2021
    The first batch of hearts have been made and the children have enjoyed tying them up on the school gates.  We would love to see as many hearts on our gates during this time as a sign of bringing the community together during this lockdown period when we physically can't be together.  Please ensure the heart is weatherproof, it can be made from a range of items including hamma beads, spare lego (glued together) salt dough that is varnished, craft plastic or foam etc.  Make them bright and colourful and ensure they have ribbon, string or wool to tie them to the gates.  If anyone else in your family would like to make a heart, then we would love them to.  This project is about staying connected with friends and family during this time so we would like it to be a whole community project.   Take care, stay safe and have fun.   