
St. Peter's Cross Keys

C of E Academy

Rooted in love we flourish and grow

Home School Agreement

ST Peter’s Cross Keys C OF E Primary Academy  




We believe that children make the best progress when home and school work together.  We place great value on the happy and successful parternship between home and school.  Educating your child is a shared responsibility and we hope that the whole family will become involved with our school community. 


Together we will: 


Develop confidence and promote a love for learning 

Support children to achieve their best 

Work to achieve the best for the whole school community 

Encourage children to make positive behaviour choices 

Encourage children to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise 

Celebrate children's success and also help them develop resilience in order to deal with difficulties 

Promote children's safety and welfare by reporting any concerns 


Our Vision and Aims 

Rooted in love we flourish and grow’ 


At St Peter’s Cross Keys C of E Primary Academy, we educate for wisdom and aspiration with the help of the church and the community through a culture of dignity and respect. We aim to cultivate the inner values of all pupils to give them the opportunities to succeed in life. 


’Jesus said that the kingdom of God is like a little mustard seed. This seed is very tiny at first, but this is just the beginning of something. When this little seed is planted it grows into a huge tree, a tree so big that birds come and sit on its branches!’ 

Matthew (13:31 – 32) 

The School will - 

  • Value and respect each child as an individual. 
  • Encourage high expectations and pride in achievement. 
  • Provide opportunities for pupils to develop their potential in all areas. 
  • Inform parents of the progress and welfare of their child. 
  • Provide and monitor homework which is appropriate to the child’s needs. 
  • Create a class charter each year to provide a safe and orderly environment in which pupils and staff work. 
  • Listen to parents’ views and concerns. 
  • Communicate clearly with parents about any upcoming events via text and/or email. 


Parents will - 

  • Support the school in its aims and values. 
  • Ensure their child’s regular and punctual attendance. Leave a message on the first day of the absence and the reason for their child’s absence. 
  • Update school of any changes to contact details. 
  • Support the school’s behaviour policy. 





  • Support their child in the schoolwork they are expected to do at home. 
  • Tell the school about any circumstances which may affect their child. 
  • Attend parents’ evenings and discussions about their child’s progress. 
  • Ensure that their child wears the correct school uniform. 
  • Will be respectful to all members of our school community while on school site


Pupils will - 

  • Respect each member of the school community. 
  • Abide by the school’s behaviour policy. 
  • Attend school regularly and punctually and bring the correct equipment. 
  • Look after the school and its surroundings. 
  • Try their best and work hard. 
  • Wear the correct school uniform. 

