We place phonics and reading at the heart of all of our teaching and learning in Key Stage 1 and Early Years and St Peters Cross Keys. At our school we use the 'Success for All' Phonics scheme which is a proven systematic synthetic phonics teaching programme for Reception to Year 2. Some children in KS2 also access daily phonics sessions to address gaps in learning.
Each child receives a daily phonics session where they will spend time revisiting phonemes and graphemes to ensure they consolidate their learning before new content is introduced. Teacher led activities are used and designed to help children orally blend, segment and to read words and then sentences. They will also learn the alphabet and how to write letters in upper and lower case before beginning to write simple words and then sentences. Additionally, they will have daily opportunities to apply their learning when reading books in a 'Shared Reader' lesson, whilst also discussing the text to develop their comprehension skills.
Example of EYFS Phonics Planning
Example of Year 1 Phonics Planning
Within year 2 we follow the ‘Jungle club spelling’ programme. Teaching children to link their knowledge of phonics with new spelling rules.
Example of Year 2 Spelling Planning
To access any of the text your child will be reading at school as well as some helpful phonics videos please use the like below to login on to the FFT parent portal:
How can I help my child?
If you are reading or writing with your child when they are at home, using the 'pure sounds' can help children isolate the sounds that are in each word and the order that they are in. This can not only help children in the reading of sounds but also helps children to segment words in order to be able to spell them. If you need any help in saying the sounds a helpful guide can be found here:
Please find documents below from our recent phonics parents information evening. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to see your class teacher or see Mr Tomlinson.