The School Day
Morning - 8:45am – 12:00pm (break 10:30am – 10:45am EYFS, YR1, YR2 and YR3
break 10:45 - 11:00am YR4, YR5 and YR6)
Lunchtime – 12:00pm – 1:.00pm EYFS, YR1 and YR2
- 12:10pm - 1:10pm YR3, YR4, YR5 and YR6
Afternoon – 1:00pm – 3:30pm EYFS, YR1 and YR2
- 11:10pm - 1:10pm YR3, YR4, YR5 and YR6
Total hours per week - 32.25
The gate to the school will be opened at 8.45am and all children should be ready to enter at that time to go straight to their classroom where learning activities will be ready for them.
Collection of children at the end of the school day
The gate to the school will be opened at 3:30pm.
Children in Years 5 & 6 will leave through the gate and go to their parents or walk home alone if we have been informed of this. The class teacher should be at the door with them as they leave in case of any issues.
Children in Years 3 & 4 are released to their parents by staff. The class teacher will be at the door with them as they leave in case of any issues.
Children in FS and Year 1 and 2 are released to their parents by staff. The class teacher will be at the door with them as they leave in case of any issues.
Children will only be allowed to leave with the people named on the collection register – they will not be released to anybody other than the people named on the collection register. Please inform school before 2.30pm if there are any changes to the collection of your children.