
St. Peter's Cross Keys

C of E Academy

Rooted in love we flourish and grow

Relationship, Health and Sex Education

Relationship, Health and Sex Education  (RHSE) is part of our children’s Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development and as such is woven through our entire curriculum and our teaching. We endeavour to develop our children’s social skills and capacity to empathise by giving them opportunities to work together in a variety of ways – in pairs, groups, teams, with children of different ages and in supportive and play situations. 


We expect children to be able to discuss and reason suggesting big questions through philosophy, and expecting them to understand and reason about the choices they make. To ensure our children develop spiritually we use every opportunity for children to experience awe and wonder, and to reflect about their feelings towards works of art such as paintings and poetry.  Culturally, we celebrate the differences that we all have and make sure that we use opportunities within our curriculum to awaken our children’s understanding of both our culture and many others.



We use these programs/activities to support our ethos;

  • Talking Points and SCARF PSHE programmes 

  • Residential Visits
  • Class visits

  • Managing Emotions through ELSA and Think Children

  • Play Leaders

  • Peer Mentors

  • Anti-bullying policy, focus week

  • Online safety

  • House Group Meetings

  • Values based Collective Worship

  • Working with local Secondary Schools

  • NSPCC workshops

Relationships and Sex Education DfE Guidance for Parents and Carers
