'Rooted in love we flourish and grow' -
Matthew 13: 31-33
The Parable of the Mustard seed:
'Jesus said that the kingdom of God is like a little mustard seed. This seed is very tiny at first but this is just the beginning of something. When this little seed is planted it grows into a huge tree, a tree so big that birds come and sit on its branches!'
Jesus teaches us that all good things must start with small beginnings.
Community Peace Hope Wisdom Dignity Joy
Providing an engaging educational environment that prepares children for life, with the hope and ambition to achieve their best. Working with the whole school community to build respect and understanding for one another. Encouraging all our talents, to grow with confidence and be successful members of society. Please see documents below demonstrating how we encompass these values in our school and for our whole school community.
SNMAT’s core purpose is very straightforward; we are a vehicle for change that will improve the life-chances of young people as they journey through their education. Our Christian values are up front and central; we focus on knowledge, community, dignity and hope within an educational framework. We pride ourselves on doing this differently.